Learn How To Sell $1,000+ Deals As A Remote Salesman

How to land a remote sales role, without any experience, and never prospect cold leads again

Get My 50 Video Millionaire Closer Course For $2.97 

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Hey, I'm Dylan & I've Made 7 Figures As A Remote Salesman

Hey it's Dylan, I'm a remote salesman. We call ourselves high ticket closers because we close deals ranging from $1000 to $50,000+ and make anywhere between 10% to 15% commission every time. Here's what I love about this...
1. We don't deal with cold shitty leads. Most of the leads I call come in really warm, we usually just spend 30-40 minutes on the phone closing them.
2. It's pretty easy to land a gig. There are thousands of businesses online that need remote salesmen right now. As you know, everything is going digital and so this industry is only growing.
3. You can close deals from anywhere in the world with a stable wifi connection, without ever having to show up to an office, wear a suit, or be micromanaged by an annoying sales manager.
For the first time ever, I'm going to share the exact  knowledge that has been responsible for my success and my team's success over the years.

These Lessons Have Helped My Team Of Closers Do Millions In Sales and Commissions

Most salesmen may or may not know that you can sell online. They just don't know where to start, how to land gigs, if it's a sustainable source of income and if its lucrative.

I don't blame them. When you look at all the ads, there's thousands of people "teaching" you how to get rich quick. Remote closing is not that. It's a real thing that you can do as a side hustle but I've seen many people turn it from a side hustle into a full time career like I have. I've dabbled into affiliate marketing, dropshipping, amazon FBA, all that stuff. And it wasn't really for me. And then I got into remote closing, ended up working with many big names like Tai Lopez, and made a lot of money doing it. I quickly found a love for this space.

Before this, I had very little sales experience, I was doing door to door in high school selling home services.

Over the last 5 years, I have built a team of closers and we sell for many big online coaching businesses.

 I've Cracked The Code And Figured It All Out And Fortunately For You, You Don't Have To

Some of the companies we work with provide basic training to get you off the ground, but in this program I'm going to teach you what I learned and developed that allowed me to always be the top producer on every client I worked with, and generate multi six figures before I turned 20 years old. I will give you the scripts, frameworks, lessons, strategies and everything you need to start and scale your remote closing career.

Most importantly I'm not going to charge you and arm and a leg or make you jump through a dozen hoops to get access to my training and have me teach you this. I'm going to give you this training for $2.97. 

It Is My Hope That This Training Will Help You Achieve These Outcomes...

Outcome #1. Learn To Close In The Online Economy

At this point, you probably know that if you are not taking advantage of the shift to online sales, you will get left behind. It is my goal to teach you how to transition from a traditional sales role to online selling. When done right, you could make a great income while having more flexibility in your schedule, allowing you to spend more time doing the things you love, travel the world, and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Most salesmen are tied down to their work location, are on their phones all day and in the evenings, and are bending over backwards to get any customer that comes through the door.

We don't do any of that. We sell on our schedule, live where we want, travel when we want, and we definitely don't chase leads all day.

Why? Because we get warm, qualified leads, who are informed on how our clients can help them, we simply need to help the prospects come to the best decision. 

Simply put, our role is closing deals, not getting leads, working them, nurturing them, babysitting, or any of the other annoying work.

Outcome #2. Learn How To Land Remote Gigs

Many of these opportunities in the new era of sales don't sit on Indeed or LinkedIn.

Employers often hire from trusted Facebook Groups like ours as well as other networks and through trusted and credible relationships.

Also, you need to know how to position yourself attractively to these employers. Many salesmen show up to interviews like we're in the 2000's, and simply put, the landscape has changed.

Having personally sold for the biggest online coaching businesses, built teams for many huge influencers, and running a sales agency for over 5 years, I know how you need to look to and present yourself for the best shot at landing your dream opportunity.

There are many ways to go about finding remote closing opportunities and I'll show you how.

Outcome #3. Buy Back Your Time

Time is the scarcest thing we have. And although some of you think its money, I'll be the first to tell you its not.

The most important thing you need to do as a closer is not only close deals but close them consistently and predictably at a high close rate so you don't have to be on the phone all day long, but can actually work when you want and have time to do things you enjoy, like spending time with family, go on vacations, or just go out for nice dinners.

The better you become at closing, the more time freedom you achieve by knowing you can hit your target in a certain amount of time rather than chasing prospect all day and all night to be able to pay your bills. Better closers=less calls needed to make commissions= more time for things we want to do

Ready To Close More Deals And Land Remote Closing Opportunities?

Videos, Guides, Lessons, Scripts, Templates & More

Don't be fooled by the price, I'm not holding anything back.

For years, we've used this exact program to train our new and beginner high ticket closers.

And now, the same lessons I taught them are available to you.

In easy to follow videos, you'll learn about the different types of prospects, the sales framework we use, how to handle objections, and how to land opportunities.

If you already have some sales knowledge, you will get access to the high level ninja knowledge only the top 1% of closers know and some that I have personally developed after closing millions in business.

Bottom line, if you're looking to learn closing and how to land opportunities, there's plenty of things you can learn inside that can help you do that.

Limited Time Spring Blowout Bonuses

The Millionaire Closer Community

Get access to my private Facebook group where you can network and learn from other closers, some new and others highly experienced.

I also regularly send coaches that I don't have bandwidth for in my sales agency to post in my group and many end up hiring closers from there.

You can also ask questions, get support, and overall just get in the room with many ambitious people just like yourself.

To help you with your journey, I'll be inviting you to join my "Millionaire Closers Community" on Facebook.

Library Of Real Deals Analyzed

Get the analysis of 5 real, live deals demonstrated by our very own closers, broken down and analyzed, line by line by our in office sales managers.

Its easy to get overwhelmed with all the knowledge and strategies I will be sharing, so instead of just watching videos and taking notes, I will share recordings of live deals so you can see everything you are learning being put into practice.

The Objection Killer Framework

The blueprint to diffusing objections with monk like focus and surgical precision.

Most sales people get stuck handling objections like "I need to think about it", or "let me speak to my business partner", but really these are all things the prospects say to get off the phone.

Learn how we handle these objections and close deals on the first call without losing composure when objections come up.

These Systems Don't Only Work For My Team & I... It Also Worked For Some Exceptional  Students. Here's What They Said About Our Training.

These Results  Are Not Typical*

Kenneth Closed His First Deal On The Second Call He Made

Kenneth started making calls after about a month of training, and closed a deal on his second call.

Julius Talks About "The Feeling Of Closing Your First Deal"

Julius started our course and coaching with no prior sales experience at all. You don't need to have any sales experience to get started in this.

30-Day 100% Money Back Guaranteed

Most people offer a money back guarantee but make you go through hoops to get your money back. This is not the case. If you join and for whatever reason the content doesn't satisfy you, feel free to email us with the subject line 'REFUND' and we'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. You can do this anytime within 30-days of purchasing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I've tried other online business opportunities but they did not work, what's different about this?
Although I cannot guarantee this will work for you, what's different about this is that unlike pretty much all the other make money models, you have to wear many different hats for you to even have a chance of succeeding. Think SMMA, you need to know sales, you need marketing, you need fulfilment, you need to build a team, you need to have customer service, there are so many things you are responsible for.

With remote closing, all you have to do is close deals and collect commissions. You are not responsible for all the other aspects of running a business.

Also, closing is really just effective communication... You've been communicating your entire life. All you have to do is build on top of an existing skillset you practice every day.

You get the point.
Question: What kind of techniques do you teach?
We believe firmly in putting our prospects first, and not using outdated pushy sales tactics. We teach  you high level sales psychology and effective communication, which is what you need to successfully close deals. We also teach you how to find and reach out to potential employers to ultimately land a closer role.
Question: Does this training actually work?
Yes... it works. I personally made over six figures per year from the age of 19 using these methods and have hired plenty of people who work for me now and use the same training and sales strategies to sell for some of the biggest coaches in the space including Tai Lopez and many others.
Question: Is this a course?
Yes, I've laid this out in a course format so that you can easily step-by-step consume and setup the systems.
Question: How long does it take to implement this?
The question should be 'is it worth my time' and the simple answer is yes. Like anything, if you have a sense of urgency, there should be no reason you shouldn't be able to learn some of what we teach fairly quickly and start practicing and implementing. It's really up to you and how fast you want to go. Its is a self paced training so the ball is in your court.
Question: What if I already took a course on remote closing.
You can go through my trainings to learn and grow, at the end of the day if you are not growing you're dying. I have had the opportunity to work with the biggest coaches in the world and I know what these calibre of clientele look for when hiring a closer. Very few online coaches can say the same. We have the most up to date, relevant and effective training out there.
Question: Why are you offering something like this?
Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.
Question: Is there a refund guarantee?
Yes, I offer a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. Simply reach out to my team and we'll refund you 100% of your money.
Copyright 2024 @ Millionaire closers